Ms. Harley


Ms. Harley was a very loyal & loving girl. She loved children so much . Out of our 5 dogs she was the boss of them all . She wasn’t afraid too attack our pitbulls on their ankles if they got in her way ( lol ). She loved sleeping on top of her momma . She will be greatly missed. She could spend ours basking in the sun or chasing flying bugs above the grass in the backyard.


Chu (Chuy)


Chu was such a blessing to our family. He loved the outdoors and life. Growing up with our grandchildren, he loved Mishka the talking husky video. He would actually stand on his hind legs and mimic "Mishka, I love you'" that was his absolute favorite.
We will forever treasure his unconditional love for us and remain forever in our hearts and memories.




Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near, so loved, so missed, so very dear. Pepper, you have given us over 15 years of unconditional love and joy and we will never forget you. We love you and you will be sorely missed. Rest in peace little buddy.


Roxy Daisy Cardona


Dear Roxy,
I miss you so much. When you left me, I felt apart of me go with you. I will forever miss you and love you. I miss how you followed me everywhere and greet me when I came home. My sweet girl, my forever baby you are truly missed. I still can’t believe you’re gone. I want you back so bad.
Love always, your mommy


Callie girl


Our girl was adopted from ACS in San Antonio along with her buddy Charlie. He went on to live in Waxahatchie with family. Callie brought so much joy to us for many years. She always kept a watchful eye on everyone. She was a protector. When baby Noah was born she told mom to get out of the way, she would handle it better. A true mommy. Callie enjoyed wearing dresses, costumes, pearls and wigs. One year she got lost and the power of the internet brought her back to us. My girl loved chicken anyway she could get it. Rest in heavenly peace with the angels my sweet girl. ❤️


Baby Girl


Part of the family. Always there for us. She will be missed. Love you Baby Girl




Our time with you was so precious and way too short, but we got to enjoyed you to the fullest. You made every hike, walk and road trip memorable. There will never be another you, our Infiernito you came into our lives when we needed you the most, we will always love you and remember you. Hades you’re leaving a big hole in our hearts, but we know you’re not longer suffering and that brings us peace. Who would’ve thought that yesterday was going to be your last walk to nature, you were definitely too good and perfect for earth. 08/17/21-07/10/23





You have left the biggest void in our hearts. We miss you terribly and Granny has been so sad without you.
We can’t wait for you to be home again. Your room sits empty and your treats, blankets and all your belongings are still there.

We weren’t ready for you to leave, but we are happy that you suffer no more!

We wait for the day we are reunited with you in God’s kingdom!

Love you and miss you to no end❤️❤️❤️

Rest easy Mooks🐕




Skeeter – We all loved you so much. Your passing was so fast and unexpected that no one was ready. I can't stop tearing up when I think of you not greeting me every morning anymore. The special way you would stretch your big ole body up my side and paw at me as if to say "Hello human, please open the child's door so I can step on their faces." I shouldn't have been working so much, maybe I would have noticed that you were losing weight. 11 years wasn't enough time with you. I'm going to miss our Fishing games- where you would put your tail under the bottom of the door, and wait for me to try and slap it… so you could turn around and slap me instead. I miss when I would be working from home, and you absolutely wouldn't allow it. You would get up on my desk and stare at me while I was trying to look through you to my computer screens. You never wanted anything, you just didn't think that I should be working. I can't believe I have to go on without you now. I'll miss you forever. I'm sorry I didn't see the changes in you sooner to try and catch and fix the illness before it was too late. I hope all of your pain is gone, and your strength is back and you are back to your full 17 pounds of glory. I love you fatcat.